Lesson 1. Can We Believe the Bible?

DEEP in the heart of every man and woman is a longing to know the truth of things. Our most insistent question, sometimes expressed but often unspoken and even unrecognised, is: ‘What can I believe?’ With Pilate we ask: ‘What is truth?’ May it not be that, like him, we turn away without waiting for the answer and stifle the God-given
desire for it?
In an unstable world, truth offers us mental and spiritual security, a firm foundation on which we can stand and face uncertainty and ignorance with confidence and assurance. It is utterly and absolutely dependable.
Truth never conflicts with itself. It is a harmonious whole. We can know only part of it at best, for it is infinite, yet no new discovery we may make can overthrow it. If we learn something that is at variance with what we already know, or think we know, we can be sure that one or the other is not true knowledge.